There is one way of taking a holiday which certainly does not lack in adventure: getting into a boat (even a small one) and setting out on the sea in search of bays, harbours, islands and rocky coasts where one can spend days of solitude and sunshine, swimming in crystal-clear waters that are scarsely frequented. One can do the same thing by car, driving along the coast roads or approaching the sea when one feels like it. But the sense of adventure, the pleasure of swimming in a sea that's inaccessible from the land, the unexpected discovery of a beach below a cliff, are all sensations that only a boat can provide. So why not experience these emotions during a holiday in Sardinia? It is true that the entire Italian peninsula is surrounded by enchanting seas and fascinating resorts. But Sardinia offers visitors something more, something that's difficult to define in words but which one feels when one comes in contact with an ancient land with a rich history that has influenced the island's art and culture. The observant tourist cannot help noticing the special quality of the environment and is bound to be moved by the rough nature of the countryside, the cordiality and hospitality of the people, the range and variety of artistic monuments covering an enormous time span (from prehistoric to Punic, Roman, Paleo-Christian and Romanesque times, up to the present), the fascination of a clear, uncontaminated sea and bays and islands where one can enjoy the pleasures of solitude. Sardinia offers all this. So you just have to jump on a boat and set out to explore the island and its coasts.Let us set out together on this hypothetical journey which, for reason of space, will only touch on the most interesting areas among Sardinia's 1,849 kilometres of coastline and the considerable number of locations worth visiting.

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