Martina Franca, a pleasant little town on a human dimension, lies among the enchanting scenery of the Valle d'Itria in the highest part of the Murge, 431 metres above sea level, mid-way between the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic. Historically speaking it goes back to the tenth century, but the town presumably arose in 1310, founded by the Prince of Taranto, Philippe I of Anjou. In this perfect symbiosis of different civilisation (Longobard, Byzantine and Angevin), every corner offers memories of a past which is not only history, but also art, folklore and traditions handed town with love. As soon as we enter the old town centre we are enveloped in an unreal, magic atmosphere: the streets, lanes, flights of rough stairs, even the windows take us back to a moment that is far back in time, yet strangely close if we consider how well kept everything is. Pages of history come alive so that the visitor is fascinated by the whole effect, but also by the details, accurately tooled by the local stone-cutters. The search for perfection, but also personal research and originality are the characteristics of an artistic style that is certainly unique: a pure, spontaneous art form that captures in its images the soul and way of life of Martina, its creative capacity and human dimension, where the essential factors are dignity and humility.

Edizioni ITALIA TURISTICA s.a.s.
35124 Padova - Via C. Anti, 9
Tel.++39-49-80.111.80 r.a.