Farming and handicrafts are a perfect combination in Salento. One could say that the precise and obstinate manual skill of the farmers, the inspiration and versatility of the craftsmen join forces to give honour and fame to a land that is very poor in resources. The vine and the olive tree have five thousand years of history behind them. Today flower growing has stolen a little space from these traditional crops, with green-houses and fields of carnations, Transvaal daisies, lilium and many-coloured roses. Flower-growing has become the other face of farming, especially along the Ionian coast of Salento. Multicoloured fields of flowers are scattered over the dark earth, giving the landscape a particularly attractive appearance.Now the countryside is continuously in flower, where once the land lay abandoned or untilled. Handicrafts too have brought importance to this southern land. The typical craft products of Salento are papier mâché, terra-cotta, wicker, copper and wrought iron.

Edizioni ITALIA TURISTICA s.a.s.
35124 Padova - Via C. Anti, 9
Tel.++39-49-80.111.80 r.a.