The reclaiming of the old port area for public use has also created a new pole of attraction. As well as the pleasure of seeing a harbour with its old equipment, there is the thrill of a completely unusual view of the town. We see the town climbing up from the sea to the hills and spreading out on either side in a huge frame, taking in the districts on both east and west. The view becomes even more exclusive if we take the lift on the Bigo, a metal structure built on the old quay, rather like the cranes on ships' decks for loading and unloading the cargo. Together with the classi Lantern it has become Genoa's new symbol and at the same time an attraction for both young and old, and even for the serious visitors to the modern Congress Centre at the end of the old quay.

Edizioni ITALIA TURISTICA s.a.s.
35124 Padova - Via C. Anti, 9
Tel.++39-49-80.111.80 r.a.