Rocks dominate this island's shoreline but they have also helped create many beaches:
Ischia Port: English Beach - sand and rock;
Casamicciola: Bagnitielli - sand, Marina - sand;
Lacco Ameno: Between Casamicciola and the Mushroom Rock - sand, Bay of San Montana - sand;
Forio: San Francesco and Chiaia - white sand, Cava dell'isola & Citara - sand;
Serrara Fontana: Cava Grado - small sandy inlet with thermal sea water, Sant'Angelo - sand;
Barano: Maronti - shingle on the shoreline, sandy inland. It is the largest beach on the island almost 2 kilometers long with pumice stone cliffs. The seawater here is thermal, going towards Sant'Angelo one can find the steaming geysers (fumaroles). Nitrodi - hot springs. From this point the coastline to Ischia Ponte is rocky;
Ischia Ponte: Cartaromana - sand, Pescatori - sand.