The village of Dégioz, which is the centre of the commune, lies at an altitude of 1540 metres some 28 kilometres away from Aosta. The earliest historical document regarding Valsavarenche dates back to 1231. The deed records the donation of a piece of land by Canon Anselmo Perron to the Chapter of Sant'Orso. The church was built in 1483 but the bell-tower is the sole remaining part dating from this period; the church was rebuilt in 188à by King Umberto I who was a frequent visitor to the valley. King Vittorio Emanuele II built a network of hunting paths around the village of Valsavarenche and he extended the telegraphic line to Orvieille where he had his hunting lodge.
Valsavarenche is famous as the birthplace of the martyr of Regional autonomy, Emile Chanoux, and the historian Federico Chabod.
Valsavarenche is well provided with hotels, restaurants and other facilities and is well suited to a naturalistic-type tourism. It lies in the heart of the Gran Paradiso National Park where it is easy to see the chamois and ibexes which during winter come down close to the village. Skiers can enjoy a 10 kilometre cross-country runs as well as a ski-lift for downhill skiing. The surrounding mountains offer wonderful alpine skiing trips, the most famous of which is perhaps that of Gran Paradiso, one of most beautiful in the Alps.