Situated in the center of the Italian peninsula, Abruzzo has an area of 10.794 square kilometres. It is divided into 4 Provinces - L'Aquila, Pescara, Teramo e Chieti. Facing on the Adriatic sea at the East, Abruzzo confines at North with the "Marche", at the Ovest with the "Lazio" and at the South with the "Molise". The Regional Administrative Centre is l'Aquila.

Morphology and central position characterize the story and evolution of Abruzzo, for centuries land of investiture and traffic, pole and ariculation of politico-cultural between North and South of the peninsula.

The uman investiture comes from very old origins, the proof being the numerous discovery: vestiges from 500.000 years of history, evidence prehistoric, preroman and roman, as far as fact from Middle Ages period(Longobardi, Bourbons, through succession and domination of the Francs, Normands, Svevi, Angioini, Aragonesi, French and Austrians); an heterogeneus culture of people that has made Abruzzo precious with a priceless artistic inheritance.

Of course the cultural and artistic inclinations was stamped with new architectural, pictorial and sculptural masterpiece,from Byzantine to Ghotic influences, from Borgognone to Senese, from the school of Giotto and Cimabue and from the Neapolitan paintings to the expert in ceramics and painter Basilio Cascella, founder old three generation of artist, of whom Andrea and Pietro are considered, today, the greatest in Europe.

An artistic heredity that has been transmitted in perfect armony in spite of the pecularities of the land, with its typical dress still warn in small town(famous those of the women of Scanno, and of the people from Rivisondoli during the "Presepe Vivente"), with its traditions and costums that often submerge the origins of the Paganism. From spring until the end of summer festivities and celebrations follow each other every day, in an allegory of colors and balls, sacred images and Pagan belief, excellent wines(Montepulciano, Cerasuolo, Trebbiano, red Marsicano, Moscato from "Torre dei Passeri" , white Peligno) and, of course, various specialities of the local gastronomy that offers an infinity of flavours.

Semplicity and genuineness that enphasize the "human face" of a land modernized in the full respect of a still uncontaminated nature: its enough to think that 25% of the regional territory is protected by guardian ship to save its integrity. Beyoned three National Park("Nat.Park of Abruzzo", "Gran Sasso", and "Maiella"), the Abruzzo can be proud of 2 regional parks, 32 Regional and Statal parks and 4 natural oasis managed by WWF.

Leaving behind the austerity and the majesty of the mountains that are the 60% of the characteristic of this land, we realise the diversity and peculiarity of the seashore: changing of colours, flavours, feeling, and peoples expressions. But the main characteristic of all the seashore localities (from Pescara to Chieti, from Silvi to Francavilla) are the long beach and the vast pine forest, the numerous sporting structures, the night clubs, discotheques, cultural and teatrichal manifestations, rock and jazz concert, feasts and folks traditions that make a beautiful picture frame for the iridescent sea.

All this make the Abruzzo a precious mosaic, a small continent that gives scenaries and emotions always different...angle of a world where Antipodes are distant only half and hour by car.